Daylight Savings Time is also Daylight Safety Time.
In most places in the United States, Sunday, March 13, 2016 is Daylight Saving, the day when clocks are moved forward one hour and we start to enjoy longer waking hours of light. We here at APIA Insurance want to remind you that it’s also a great time to improve your family’s safety.
Be safe in your home
Health and safety agencies often use the approach of Daylight Saving Time to remind people to change the batteries in their smoke alarms. The American Red Cross suggests you test your smoke alarms and talk with your family about your fire escape plan. Whether you live in Alaska, Georgia, Nebraska, Nevada or elsewhere, practice the plan too – at least twice a year.
Daylight Saving is a great time to check your emergency preparedness kit to make sure it’s fully stocked with fresh supplies.
Carbon Monoxide is a concern, too
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 400 people die annually in the US from carbon monoxide poisoning. The CDC recommends changing the batteries in your CO detectors when moving your clocks forward this Sunday.
The CDC says the most common symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, chest pain and confusion.
See the CDC’s site for more ways to prevent carbon monoxide exposure.
On behalf of all of the agents at APIA Insurance, we hope you’ll find these tips and resources to be helpful and that you’ll consider sharing them with the people you care about so they can live safer lives too.
For further information on being a homeowner and covering your investment, view some of our additional resources on homeowners insurance.